Do you sell dry ice?
Sorry, we do not sell dry ice. We recommend for all your dry ice needs.

Do you sell snow/crushed/snowcone ice?
Yes, but there are several conditions to it. While producing our ice- yes, we do create 'snow' ice. This snow ice doesn't have much of a shelf life, if we tried to store it in a freezer it would be a solid boulder of ice. We don't produce ice everyday. We only produce about 1400 lbs of snow ice everyday. So to sum it up succinctly- call well in advance of when you need snow ice, and we'll make every effort to accommodate your request.

Where are you located?
Please find directions to Apollo Ice here, and
a map on the right.

What are your hours?
Our dock/office hours are-
Memorial Day thru Labor Day-
Monday thru Friday 8 to 4pm
Saturday 8 to 2pm
Sunday 8 to noon.
Labor thru Memorial Day-
Monday thru Friday 8 to 3pm
Saturday 8 to noon
Sunday closed

How much ice do I need for my party?
While there is no scientific answer to this question, there are some general guidelines for figuring out how much ice you'll need.
If you're having a ‘non cocktail' event, cooling food and beverages, 2 pounds per person is a good amount.
If you're having a ‘cocktail' event, cooling alcoholic beverages, mixing ice in drinks, 5 pounds per person is a good amount.
These amounts are general guidelines and are not based on any scientific formula.

What is your minimum for delivery?
Starting at a minimum of 800 lbs we make special deliveries around the beltway generally within two hours.
For retail and wholesale businesses looking for regular delivery, please call for pricing - (301) 927-5044.